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Welcome to Tabletop Potluck!

Aug 31, 2020

Now that we've finished our mission, it's time for our debriefing of the Delta Green RPG! Join us as we discuss what we like and what we would change about the system. 



Cassie: Desdemona

Charlotte Elena: GM

Noa Heinrich: Emilia

Megan Scharlau: Ash

Samantha: Maeve



Theme music by Riley Allen,

Aug 24, 2020

Having done the unthinkable, the agents have completed what they set out to do. Can they return back home to normalcy with this new weight on their shoulders?
Cassie: Desdemona
Charlotte Elena: GM
Noa Heinrich: Emilia
Megan Scharlau: Ash
Samantha: Maeve
Theme music by Riley...

Aug 17, 2020

With Marlene out of the tank safely, the agents try to decide how to best help her. They quickly realize they may have made a mistake.
Cassie: Desdemona
Charlotte Elena: GM
Noa Heinrich: Emilia
Megan Scharlau: Ash
Samantha: Maeve
 Theme music by Riley Allen,

Aug 10, 2020

After discovering that Baughman owned a secluded cabin up in Northern Michigan, our agents begin their trek to investigate. What-- or who-- could possibly be waiting for them there?
Cassie: Desdemona
Charlotte Elena: GM
Noa Heinrich: Emilia
Megan Scharlau: Ash
Samantha: Maeve

Aug 3, 2020

Delta Green holds many secrets. One such secret belongs to Clyde Baughman, a fellow agent of The Program who passed away recently. It is up to Emilia, Maeve, Ash, and Desdemona to do the thankless job of scouring Baughman's records to remove any evidence of Delta Green's activities. 
Cassie: Desdemona