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Welcome to Tabletop Potluck!

Oct 15, 2018

Our adventure of Dungeons & Dragons is complete, but a more daunting task now lies before us: we have to seriously review D&D. Is that even possible? You'll have to listen to find out!

Sally Chan - Westa Brightwind
Charlotte Elena - Casey Geiszler
Ray Goldberg - Verthisathurgiesh Jheri
Noa Heinrich - GM

Dungeons & Dragons Potluck Blog

Oct 15, 2018

Reviewing a game like Dungeons & Dragons is a daunting task. It’s a game with decades of history, it invented a new kind of entertainment, and is literally the reason we are here making this podcast for you. Each of us has personal history with D&D as well, so we all have very strong opinions on the rules and flavor....

Oct 8, 2018

The final battle is at hand. In one corner is our brave adventurers, having just been put through the ringer. In the other is the Mad Bard: what tricks does he have left up his sleeve? Ready: fight!

Sally Chan - Westa Brightwind
Charlotte Elena - Casey Geiszler
Ray Goldberg - Verthisathurgiesh Jheri
Noa Heinrich...

Oct 1, 2018

Without time to rest, the party is given a new, even deadlier challenge to overcome. How long can they keep playing this game before it proves too much? And more importantly, what's lurking behind the next door?

Sally Chan - Westa Brightwind
Charlotte Elena - Casey Geiszler
Ray Goldberg - Verthisathurgiesh...

Sep 24, 2018

In order to save the town of Springmead, the party descends into the depths of the Ars Poetica. The die is cast, and their first challenge awaits. But will this first trial also be their last?

Sally Chan - Westa Brightwind
Charlotte Elena - Casey Geiszler
Ray Goldberg - Verthisathurgiesh Jheri
Noa Heinrich...