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Tails of Equestria Potluck Blog

Jun 25, 2019

Hey all! Have you ever wondered what friendship could be? Well, come and take this adventure with Tabletop Potluck as we explore the My Little Pony game Tails of Equestria!

Both Megan and Sally thought the book guided you through character creation with ease and everything was laid out very simply but didn’t lack...

Jun 24, 2019

The day is saved thanks to the PonyPuff Girls! Now it's time to sit down with some tasty treats and discuss our opinions on the Tails of Equestria system. Tune in to find out how it measures against other games we've played!
Sally Chan: Berry Daze
Matthew James Marquez: GM
Megan Scharlau: Sparkle Joy...

Jun 17, 2019

 Plans are planned and hopefully with the help of Princess Celestia, out intrepid ponies and their newfound friends can stop Chrysalis from turning all of Canterlot into a feeding frenzy of friendship! 
Sally Chan: Berry Daze
Matthew James Marquez: GM
Megan Scharlau: Sparkle Joy  

Jun 10, 2019

The ponies are back on the Main Stage and ready to stop Queen Chrysalis’ machinations. But how much time has past while they were in the play and what has Chrysalis been up to in the meantime? 
Sally Chan: Berry Daze
Matthew James Marquez: GM
Megan Scharlau: Sparkle Joy  

Jun 3, 2019

Discord has separated our friends Sparkle Joy and Berry Daze. Will they be able to break his control and rescue Panache Paramour? Find out this week on Tails of Equestria!
Sally Chan: Berry Daze
Matthew James Marquez: GM
Megan Scharlau: Sparkle Joy  
Theme music by Riley Allen, rileya