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Welcome to Tabletop Potluck!

Feb 25, 2019

The shadows grow closer and closer to our players as they start to meet up and uncover more of the inner workings of Chicago. An alley confrontation leads to a new understanding of the danger Lonnie is in and what it brings to the people around him. Meanwhile, the Nightmarket proves confusing and difficult as Brandon...

Looking Back at PodCon 2

Feb 20, 2019

We can’t believe it’s been a month since PodCon 2 in Seattle. Perhaps it’s time for our take on this new convention!

Seattle can be a somewhat expensive destination, so is PodCon 2 the con for you? Hopefully, our experiences can help you decide when tickets go on sale for PodCon 3!


PodCon is unlike most...

Feb 18, 2019

On the second episode of Urban Shadows, we continue our snapshots into the lives of our characters as they uncover secrets and mysteries among the dark streets of Chicago. An anthropologist who wants to be done with this city finds herself back in the world of monsters and their hunters, a tourist of a ghost tries to...

Feb 11, 2019

As we delve into the first episode of Urban Shadows, we focus in on a few of the supernaturally aligned citizens of the City of Chicago; a therapist gifted with second sight and a tech-bro turned demonic mercenary begin their new stories as supernatural forces clash on a cold winter's night.
Sally Chan-...

Microscope Potluck Blog

Feb 4, 2019

Alas, our romp through the fractal role-playing game Microscope has ended.  It’s time to take out those slides and call it a day. Here’s what we thought:


Charlotte thinks the layout and design of the book is great and easy to navigate. If you need to find a rule quickly, you can look at the tabs on the side and...