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Microscope Potluck Blog

Feb 4, 2019

Alas, our romp through the fractal role-playing game Microscope has ended.  It’s time to take out those slides and call it a day. Here’s what we thought:


Charlotte thinks the layout and design of the book is great and easy to navigate. If you need to find a rule quickly, you can look at the tabs on the side and...

Feb 4, 2019

Alas, our romp through the fractal role-playing game Microscope has ended.  It’s time to take out those slides and call it a day. Here’s what we thought.
Charlotte Elena
Ray Golberg
Noa Heinrich
Megan Scharlau
Theme music by Riley Allen,

Jan 28, 2019

Things get extra-terrestrial this time, as we take a look at how aliens helped shape this world. We watch as they help humans ascend to become energy beings, and as the roving band of diplomats, the Seraphim, argue whether or not aliens even exist. Also there's a mecha?
Charlotte Elena
Ray Golberg

Jan 21, 2019

As we continue our exploration of the timeline, we take an intimate look at the lives of a young brother and sister, their doomed clan, and three generations of farmers. Join us as we discover more of the strange world we have created in Microscope.
Charlotte Elena
Ray Golberg
Noa Heinrich

Jan 14, 2019

In our first episode of Microscope, we get acquainted with the rules of the game and define our story with bookends and a palette. Then, we delve deeper to focus on the periods, events, and scenes within this vast expanse. Topics range from accidental armistices, supercomputers, ascending meat flesh, Nikolas Kage, and...